Part-time artist, part-time researcher, full-time person. I am a maker, performer, dramaturg and researcher. Studied Performance Making, Political Science and Visual Studies, being now finishing my PhD in social sciences. My artistic research is very much centred on new dramaturgies and hybridity, combining performing arts and multimedia.
As a performance maker, I seek to develop long-term, open and experimental processes, to expand spectatorship, and to work about topics as the fragility of the human condition, power dynamics, and cyberculture.
Founding member of Rabbit Hole, an artistic collective fostering new practices of collaboration in performing arts, visual arts and music. My most recent works are the performance what if I could dance, what if we could dance? and the transmedia piece C:\>how2become (data) & dissolve_into: ‘tears’.
More info by request: [email protected]