Protocols of encounter, Ana Correa & Júlia Salem
I turn to the other, I extend myself in his/ her direction. I challenge myself to feel the other’s presence and absence. The communication is not linear, the language cannot be absolutely understandable.
Can we define what is an encounter? When and how does an encounter happen? Is the encounter inevitable? We experiment with procedures to meet the other, which question what is an encounter in its complexity and diversity, exploring the codes and tools we use to bring ourselves closer to one another, subverting them: does the encounter still happen? What new mechanisms of encounter can we find? What qualities of encounter result from them?
Encounter: 1. Act or effect of encounter; 2. Reunion, cluster of two or more people; 3. connection, junction, union; 4. Clash; 5. Fight, dispute; 6. Compensation; 7. Piece that makes another piece steady.
Creation and performance: Ana Corrêa and Julia Salem
Dramaturgic advisor: João Estevens
Light design: Luís Moreira
Music: Ketia
Support: Fundação GDA
Artistic residencies: Atelier Real, Espaço Alkantara, Espaço do Tempo, C.E.M, Penha Sco.
Rua das Gaivotas 6 (Lisbon, PT), Penhasco (Lisbon, PT)